From 10th to 11th May, 2016 professor Zdeslav Hrepić held professional lectures. The lectures were held in cycles of two hours according to the respective topics.

The sessions held on 10th May, 2016:

  1. The school reforms and initiatives in USA: Key events, intentions and outcomes of the past half century (L1)
  2. Role and position of the school principals in the educational system of USA (L2)

The lectures were attended by a total of 26 participants.

The sessions held on 11th May, 2016:

  1. Preparing Educational Leaders for Schools, Business and Community (L3)
  2. Implementing Effective Educational Leadership Strategies and eWalkThrough System

The lectures were attended by a total of 26 participants.

The audience actively participated in the dialog and the group discussion about the position of principals in educational institutions with a focus on the key elements of a successful management of educational institutions, as well as possible obstacles in principals’ work.



Project partners


The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund


This website is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund

University of Zadar takes all the responsibility for making this website